Stapanul inelelor gollum
Stapanul inelelor gollum

stapanul inelelor gollum

I've always wanted to learn Elvish and get completely offended à la Stephen Colbert but I ca Never have I been so sad to give a low rating to such a revered book. I have always wanted to be a Tolkien fangirl. This series has been such a foundation for modern-day fantasy that I'm incredibly disappointed in myself for not liking this. Again, I'm so sorry, but I found this book unbelievably dull. Never have I been so sad to give a low rating to such a revered book. They are there to remind us that the history of the world goes back many lifetimes and is full of mystery.

stapanul inelelor gollum

They are like the blue-stoned brooch Tom Bombadil found among the treasure in the burial mound of the Borrow-wight, the brooch that causes us to wonder about the woman to whom it once belonged. They are like the ruins of the castles and fortresses along the way that cause us to wonder who once lived there. They are meant to stimulate our imagination and cause us to wonder about their origin and history, cause us to ask questions about them. I see Tom Bombadil and Lady Goldberry as adding to the mystery of the forest. Imagine yourself hiking through the Old Forest, remembering the old stories you had heard about it, and wondering who or what made the trail you are following. Imagi …more I think the problem, Jim, is that you are trying to burn through the pages in search of excitement and answers.

stapanul inelelor gollum

Gerry Bevers I think the problem, Jim, is that you are trying to burn through the pages in search of excitement and answers. Tolkien inventeaza o mitologie proprie.more Intr-o poveste care impleteste harul Seherezadei cu suspansul filmelor cu James Bond, J.R.R. Insotit de trei hobbiti credinciosi si vegheat de un vrajitor intelept, Frodo isi incepe odiseea prin tinuturi populate de semintii neobisnuite si intesate de capcane, cu gandul de-a strabat Vilceaua Despicata si de-a ajunge in Mordor, punctul terminus al calatoriei. E vorba de un inel magic, care insa aduce, pe langa putere, o seama de primejdii. Frodo Baggins este un tanar caruia i se incredinteaza o misiune ciudata: el nu trebuie sa gaseasca o comoara, ci s-o ascunda.

stapanul inelelor gollum

Insotit de In aceasta prima parte a trilogiei Stapanul Inelelor facem cunostinta cu eroii fara seaman ai Comitatului si asistam la inceputul unor peripetii fascinante. In aceasta prima parte a trilogiei Stapanul Inelelor facem cunostinta cu eroii fara seaman ai Comitatului si asistam la inceputul unor peripetii fascinante.

Stapanul inelelor gollum